Peru: Goverment Detects 87 Forest Fires Since August and 49 are Still Active

Smoke over the forests in Peru, Sept 2024 Photo: @cbresia
September 13, 2024 Hour: 6:51 pm
Peru’s National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) identified 87 forest fires in 16 regions of the country, from August 20 to today, of which 49 remain active and 18 have been extinguished, according to the Ministry of Defense.
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According to the official report, 20 of the fires are controlled, although the figures are constantly evolving, said the source.
The regions affected are La Libertad, Tumbes, Áncash, San Martín, Cajamarca, Apurímac, Piura, Madre de Dios, Ayacucho, Amazonas, Pasco, Huánuco, Puno, Cuzco, Huancavelica and Ucayali, which cover almost the entire Peruvian territory.
However, only in San Martín and Puno, all the emergencies have been extinguished and controlled, respectively, said the Peruvian ministry.
The Peruvian Air Force (FAP), using MI-17 helicopters and C-27J Spartan aircraft, mitigated several aerial fires in Tumbes, San Martín, Ayacucho, Amazonas, Cuzco, Cajamarca, Piura, Tumbes, Amazonas, among other sectors where the emergency was controlled.
These deployments used the Bambi Bucket, a folding container attached to the helicopter, and the Guardian, a device capable of transporting large volumes of water in biodegradable boxes that are launched from the air.
The Army helped to fight the fire through different units, such as the Rapid Disaster Intervention Company (CIRD) of the “José Olaya” Communications Group, the 4th Mountain Brigade, the 3rd Special Forces Brigade, the 6th Jungle Brigade, ICDR of Field Artillery Group No. 9 of the 7th Infantry Brigade, among others.
Autor: OSG
Fuente: EFE